Week 3. Did Drug Dealers Have It Right?

One of the books that inspired us along our journey was “Rework” by Jason Friend and David Hansson. I can’t recommend the book enough. In the book there is a chapter called “Drug Dealers get it right”. What does that mean?
Straight from the book:
Drug dealers are astute businesspeople…….They know their product is so good they’re willing to give a little away for free upfront…..Don’t be afraid to give away your product – as long as you’ve got something to sell. Be confident in what you’re offering. You should know that people will come back for more. If you’re not confident about that, you haven’t created a strong enough product.
One of the things we've been preoccupied the past two weeks is sending out samples to people that have requested them. I mean LOTS of samples. We’re going through sample packs left and right but it doesn't bother us one bit. We want the world to try the product because we truly think it’s the best out there. All preworkout products give you “energy”. What separates us from the rest?
Our elevator speech:
You know exactly what’s in the bottle. There are no secret blends.
Proper dose of key ingredients. You can’t “feel” creatine working. But rest assured we give a proper dose.
Ingredient sourcing – followed up by posting laboratory test results for the world to see.
You’re dealing with a company that will try to do whatever it takes to make you happy.